Bebidas, brebajes y pócimas del Perú explores the history and secrets of...
This refillable Maras salt grinder combines aesthetics and practicality....
This Intipalka Cabernet Sauvignon Syrah is made from 60% Cabernet...
Coarse Maras salt is hand-harvested on Andean terraces where saltwater...
Fine Maras salt is a Peruvian natural treasure and much more than a...
Doña Pepa's Turrón is the delicious flavour of October in Lima. Part of...
The Doña Pepa's Turrón is Lima's October colourful sweetness. It's one...
It's by family tradition that Lourdes Pluvinage (Arequipa, Peru, 1958) learned the secrets of Peruvian cuisine. Resident Chef in Paris since 1988, she created with Eduardo Justo Caballero in 1994 the Peruvian restaurant El Picaflor which she is still in charge. Lourdes attended specialization courses at the Ferrandi School and in 2010 in Peru, she is awarded the Order of Merit for distinguished services.
In Peru, we have fabulous products: fresh and varied ones, more than 3,000 varieties of potatoes, corns of all colors, hundreds of chilies, each of them with subtle flavours, quinoa, avocados... We have more than 70% of the world's microclimates and our 2,300 kilometre coastline provides us with high quality seafood, along with all the cultures and civilizations that have marked Peru and left us with a great cultural and culinary heritage."
Lourdes Centty Pluvinage, El Picaflor Peruvian restaurant's Chef in Paris
9 rue Lacépède 75005 Paris Tél. +33 (0)1 43 31 06 01
The cookbook "La Cuisine du Pérou à Paris" is a collection of Peruvian recipes in French for cooking enthusiasts wishing to prepare in France & Europe traditional & contemporary dishes of the mixed-race millenary Peruvian cuisine. Based on the Parisian experience of the authors, recipes of the restaurant El Plcaflor are, for instance, explained so that... The cookbook "La Cuisine du Pérou à...