Bebidas, brebajes y pócimas del Perú explores the history and secrets of...
This refillable Maras salt grinder combines aesthetics and practicality....
This Intipalka Cabernet Sauvignon Syrah is made from 60% Cabernet...
Coarse Maras salt is hand-harvested on Andean terraces where saltwater...
Fine Maras salt is a Peruvian natural treasure and much more than a...
Doña Pepa's Turrón is the delicious flavour of October in Lima. Part of...
The Doña Pepa's Turrón is Lima's October colourful sweetness. It's one...
Peruvian Botija Olives (Aceitunas...
Cat's Claw, also known as Uncaria tomentosa, is a climbing plant native to the Amazon rainforest and other regions of Central and South America. It has earned its name due to the claw-like thorns found on its stems, resembling a cat's claw. Cat's Claw has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its medicinal properties. Cat's Claw, also known as Uncaria...
Chancapiedra (Phyllanthus niruri) is a tropical plant that grows in some parts of the world. This medicinal herb can be found from Peru even in India, and it is a herbaceous plant that does not exceed 50 centimeters in height. Chancapiedra (Phyllanthus niruri) is...
Hercampuri in Dry Leaves Los Ficus / Peruvian Plants Hercampuri in Dry Leaves Los Ficus /...
Muña is the oldest method for preserving potatoes since pre-Hispanic times. Its properties allows it to be used as an excellent digestive and food supplement thanks to its high Calcium and Phosphorus content which helps the growth of bones and teeth and keeps them healthy. The leaves are also used for healing fractures, dislocations and bruises produced... Muña is the oldest method for...
The Palo Santo wooden stick has a very pleasant fragrance and soothing properties. When used as incense, the Palo Santo sticks produce a smoke that is known to cleanse and purify the atmosphere against evil spirits, negative energies, and forces. The powerful virtues and purifying properties of Palo Santo allow it to replace Sage in fumigations. The Palo Santo wooden stick has a...