Bebidas, brebajes y pócimas del Perú explores the history and secrets of...
This refillable Maras salt grinder combines aesthetics and practicality....
This Intipalka Cabernet Sauvignon Syrah is made from 60% Cabernet...
Coarse Maras salt is hand-harvested on Andean terraces where saltwater...
Fine Maras salt is a Peruvian natural treasure and much more than a...
Doña Pepa's Turrón is the delicious flavour of October in Lima. Part of...
The Doña Pepa's Turrón is Lima's October colourful sweetness. It's one...
Peruvian Botija Olives (Aceitunas...
Munakuwaptiykiga sings about the fragility of love and the loneliness of the human being within a contradictory & mysterious universe. It is an attempt to explore from within the Quechua language the process of poetic invention & the birth of an individual voice. With their depth and authenticity, these poems will mark an important milestone in the... Munakuwaptiykiga sings about the...
Musqu awaqlla: Tejedora de sueños, the third poetic installment by Gloria Cáceres Vargas, celebrates the power of those who practice meditation in motion —paykuna hamutachkan, purichkan. By assimilating memories, experiences and sensations from the past; the poetic voice, in many of these poems, manages to solve problems of the kunan pacha, the present... Musqu awaqlla: Tejedora de sueños,...
Wiñay Suyasqayky by Gloria Cáceres Vargas is the fruit of her experiences when her life was punctuated by annual trips to her hometown each summer. They were a emotional meeting with her childhood language. This bilingual Quechua/Spanish book counts the loss of the world of childhood, the fragility of love and the loneliness of the human being within a... Wiñay Suyasqayky by Gloria Cáceres...
With Yuyaypa k'anchaqnin, the reader attends a poetic encounter within an environment similar to that of riddles and oral tales, where the entire universe is transformed into echoes that transcend any limit of time and space. In this almost magical context, it is possible for bilingual Andean readers to forget that they are reading poems and imagine... With Yuyaypa k'anchaqnin, the reader...