Bebidas, brebajes y pócimas del Perú explores the history and secrets of...
This refillable Maras salt grinder combines aesthetics and practicality....
This Intipalka Cabernet Sauvignon Syrah is made from 60% Cabernet...
Coarse Maras salt is hand-harvested on Andean terraces where saltwater...
Fine Maras salt is a Peruvian natural treasure and much more than a...
Doña Pepa's Turrón is the delicious flavour of October in Lima. Part of...
The Doña Pepa's Turrón is Lima's October colourful sweetness. It's one...
This Pineapple and Peruvian...
Andean Mints is a delicate blend of Mint and Muña, a native mint from Peru cultivated in the Altiplano, a region of high plateaus near the sun where it is irrigated by the crystal-clear waters of the Peruvian Andes. The healthy aromatic properties of the natural menthol in this formula will act as a natural disinfectant for your body, also providing a... Andean Mints is a delicate blend of...
Wawasana Digestivo Andean herbal tea is an elixir with a pleasant aroma and exquisite flavor to be taken after meals. It is formulated from Andean plants, both cultivated and wild, known to enhance the food digestion process since pre-Columbian times, such as Muña and Culén. Wawasana Digestivo will alleviate indigestion, pain, and other stomach discomforts. Wawasana Digestivo Andean herbal tea...
Wawasana Relax is a blend of plants formulated to help you achieve deep and restorative sleep and rebalance yourself after a long, stressful day of work. Wawasana Relax naturally and gently aids in relaxing the nervous system, releasing tension, and approaching things with a greater sense of calm. It is a suitable formulation for those who are irritable... Wawasana Relax is a blend of plants...
Wawasana Gripal Winter Cold is a blend of botanical species that have been used by our traditional healers for centuries in the treatment of flu and colds. The therapeutic plants in Gripal Winter Cold grow at great heights in the Peruvian Andes and are widely used. Wawasana Gripal Winter Cold is a...